Writing output to a Trajectory file

This is the same simulation as the Simple molecular dynamics simulation, but instead of writing the energies to the console, the configurations (and energies) are written to a trajectory file. You can later plot them. Once the script has completed, you can view the result by running the command

ase gui TrajectoryMD-output.traj

Download and try the script TrajectoryMD.py

"""Simple molecular dynamics.

A block of 27 cubic unit cells of Cu is set up, a single atom is given
a significant momentum, and constant energy molecular dynamics is


from numpy import *
from asap3 import Atoms, EMT, units, Trajectory
from ase.lattice.cubic import FaceCenteredCubic
from asap3.md.verlet import VelocityVerlet

# Create the atoms
atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(size=(3,3,3), symbol="Cu", pbc=False)

# Give the first atom a non-zero momentum
atoms[0].momentum = array([0, -11.3, 0])

# Associate the EMT potential with the atoms

# Now do molecular dynamics, printing kinetic, potential and total
# energy every ten timesteps.
dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, 5.0*units.fs)

# Make a trajectory writing output
trajectory = Trajectory("TrajectoryMD-output.traj", "w", atoms)

# Attach it to the dynamics, so it is informed every fifth time a
# timestep is made.
dyn.attach(trajectory, interval=5)

# Now do 1000 timesteps.
print("The output is in the ASE Trajectory file TrajectoryMD-output.traj")