Plotting while the simulation runs

The ASE provides several ways to plot a simulation. The most obvious is the view command, starting the ase graphical user interface. It is mainly suitable for interactive use and for plotting a few times during a simulation. The view command is illustrated in the example Constant temperature molecular dynamics.

In this example, the PrimiPlotter is used to plot the system while the simulation is running. Plotting is done to a window, and are saved in GIF files called a0000.gif, a0001.gif etc. PrimiPlotter is mainly intended for plotting from scripts, and can write files in various graphics formats and/or display the plot on the screen.

This does not look particularly beautiful, it is called PrimiPlotter for a reason!

"""Simple molecular dynamics.

A block of 27 cubic unit cells of Cu is set up, a single atom is given
a significant momentum, and constant energy molecular dynamics is


from numpy import *
from asap3 import Atoms, EMT, units
from asap3.visualize.primiplotter import *
from ase.lattice.cubic import FaceCenteredCubic
from import VelocityVerlet

# Create the atoms
atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(size=(3,3,3), symbol="Cu", pbc=False)

# Give the first atom a non-zero momentum
atoms[0].momentum = array([0, -11.3, 0])

# Associate the EMT potential with the atoms

# Now do molecular dynamics, printing kinetic, potential and total
# energy every ten timesteps.
dyn = VelocityVerlet(atoms, 5.0*units.fs)

# Set up a plotter
plotter = PrimiPlotter(atoms)
plotter.set_output(X11Window())   # Plot in X11 window on the user's screen
plotter.set_output(PngFile("a"))  # Save as PNG files
# plotter.set_output(PostScriptFile("a"))  # Save as PS files

# Attach it to the dynamics, so it is informed every 25'th time a
# timestep is made.
dyn.attach(plotter.plot, interval=25)

# Now do 1000 timesteps.
print("The output is in the NetCDF file TrajectoryMD-output.traj")