Constant temperature molecular dynamics

By replacing the VelocityVerlet dynamics with Langevin dynamics, the simulation can be made at a specified temperature.

A small crystal is set up, the atoms are given a velocity drawn from a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, and Langevin dynamics is run first at 800 K and later at 2000K. A plot is made of the system before the simulation begins, after running at 800 K and after running at 2000K. The plots are made with the view() command.

Already at 800K some disordering is seen as atom can diffuse on the surface, and surface melting is beginning to set in. At 2000K the cluster melts, and sometimes a few atoms evaporate.

# First a documentation string to describe the example
"""An example script demonstrating an NVT MD simulation with Asap.

This example runs a molecular dynamics simulation on a small copper
cluster in the NVT ensemble, i.e. with constant particle number,
constant volume and constant temperature.  It uses Langevin dynamics
to get the constant temperature.

# Import ASAP and relatives
from asap3 import *
from import Langevin
from ase.lattice.cubic import FaceCenteredCubic
from import *

# Import other essential modules
from numpy import *

# Set up an fcc crystal of copper, 1372 atoms.
atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(size=(7,7,7), symbol="Cu", pbc=False)

# Now the standard EMT Calculator is attached

# Make an object doing Langevin dynamics at a temperature of 800 K
dyn = Langevin(atoms, timestep=5*units.fs, temperature=800*units.kB,

# Set the momenta corresponding to T=1600K.  The temperature will
# quickly drop to half of that as the energy is distributed evenly
# among the kinetic and potential energy.
MaxwellBoltzmannDistribution(atoms, 1600*units.kB)

# Make a trajectory
traj = Trajectory('MD_Cluster.traj', "w", atoms)
dyn.attach(traj, interval=500) # Automatically writes the initial configuration

# Print the energies
def printenergy(a, step=[0,]):
    n = len(a)
    ekin = a.get_kinetic_energy() / n
    epot = a.get_potential_energy() / n
    print ("%4d: E_kin = %-9.5f  E_pot = %-9.5f  E_tot = %-9.5f  T = %.1f K" %
           (step[0], ekin, epot, ekin+epot, 2.0/3.0*ekin/units.kB))
    step[0] += 1

view(atoms)  #If computer is busy, the plot will appear with some delay.

# Now do the dynamics, doing 5000 timesteps, writing energies every 50 steps
dyn.attach(printenergy, 50, atoms)

# Now increase the temperature to 2000 K and continue
dyn.set_temperature(2000 * units.kB)