Using asap3 with the Atomic Simulation Environment¶
Asap version 3 is a collection of drop-in calculators for the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE). In addition, a number of analysis tools are provided, and tools for parallel simulations.
Importing Asap¶
Most of Asap’s objects are importable directly from the main module:
from ase import Atoms
from asap3 import EMT, FullNeighborLists
Using the Asap calculators¶
Asap calculators are used as any other calculator in ase, this is best demonstrated by an example, see A simple example of an Asap simulation. See also the list of supported calculators (Potentials).
Special Asap versions of ASE objects¶
Some standard ASE objects are replaced by Asap’s own versions, either for performance reasons or to support Asap’s parallelization paradigm (see Parallel simulations on clusters using Message Passing).
In particular, be aware of special versions of the dynamics, energy minimization, constraints and I/O classes.
Special Molecular Dynamics classes¶
The following Molecular Dynamics objects should be imported from Asap rather than from ASE:
from import VelocityVerlet
from import Langevin
from import NPT
from import NVTBerendsen
from import NPTBerendsen
Energy minimization classes¶
Most QuasiNewton energy minimization classes will not work well with Asap, as Asap simulations typically contains thousands of atoms, and these algorithms construct a 3N-by-3N matrix where N is the number of atoms. The exceptions are LBFGS and LBFGS_Linesearch which work for serial simulations only. Otherwise, please use FIRE or possibly MDmin:
from import FIRE
from asap3.optimize.mdmin MDMin
File I/O¶
As file input and output is done through ASE, all normal ASE methods work in serial
simulations. In parallel simulations, data needs to be collected from the
many MPI tasks. A special version of the Trajectory
class has been made for
from import Trajectory
When attached to a dynamics object, it will output data from both serial and parallel simulations correctly. See also the example Running on parallel computers.
Most ASE constraints work only in serial simulations. The FixAtoms
constraint is both sensible and useful in large scale simulation, and
a special version has been made:
from asap3.constraints import FixAtoms
It is recommended to use masks rather than indices when creating the constraint, as that is less ambiguous. The indices will be interpreted as indices local to this task.
Constraints in ASAP are only minimally tested, use at your own peril.