Using AddressSanitizer

AddressSanitizer can help you find memory errors and memory leaks in Asap (and other programs). Unfortunately, since Asap is a Python module, you need to rebuild Python with AddressSanitizer.


This should work on a 64 bit Linux installation, using gcc version 4.9 or later (including gcc version 5.X).

Installing Python with AddressSanitizer

Create a folder where the special Python will live. I made one called pysanitize. Create a subfolder called src. Grab the source code for newest Python 3.X from and place it in the subfolder. Then set the following environment variables:

export CC='gcc -fsanitize=address'
export CXX='g++ -fsanitize=address'
export LSAN_OPTIONS=exitcode=0

The first two enables AddressSanitizer in a way that does not get stripped away by the Python build process. The last one is because some of the helper programs compiled during the Python build process have memory leaks. The option prevents that these leaks cause the make program to abort.

Now configure Python and compile it. The configuration script needs to be told where you place the new Python. You also need to disable Python’s own memory allocation magic - that should not be necessary, but at least with gcc 5.4.0 Python cannot build with the sanitizer unless this is done. Finally, I was missing some IPv6 library, and had to disable that functionality.

cd ~/pysanitize/src/Python-3.5.2
./configure  --prefix=$HOME/pysanitize --without-pymalloc --disable-ipv6
make install

Make sure that you get this new Python first in your PATH, by adding this line to .bashrc and then opening a new terminal:

export PATH=${HOME}/pysanitize/bin:${PATH}

Start python on the command version, check you get the expected version (compiled today).

NumPy and prerequisites

Now you need to install NumPy. You need to download the latest version of setuptools, Cython and numpy by downloading the source code of the three packages, and install them in that order using the command:

python3 install --prefix=$HOME/pysanitize

Compile Asap with the sanitizer

Find which makefile defines how you compile:

$ make version
Getting configuration from makefile-Linux-x86_64-gnu
ASAP version 3.9.3

Copy the makefile (in this case makefile-Linux-x86_64-gnu) and call it makefile-local . Edit it, and change the two lines defining the compiler so they look like

CC=gcc -fsanitize=address
CXX=g++ -fsanitize=address

Then compile Asap as usual. Since you have changed the compiler flags, you need to clean everything away first:

make cleanall
make depend
make all

Congratulations, you can now run the tests (with the new Python compiler, of course). AddressSanitizer will interrupt the process if an illegal memory access is performed, and it will report leaks at the end. Expect a few leaks from Python itself, but none should originate in Asap.